Our Firm
Virginia Collection Lawyers
At Caudle and Caudle, P.C., in Richmond, Virginia, we use the power of the law to help small businesses, professionals, and landlords collect the money they are owed- money that they have earned and deserve. We employ creative thinking and innovative methods of getting debtors to pay.
Find out how Caudle and Caudle can address your legal needs. Contact our firm today and schedule a free initial consultation. 804.358.4961.
Providing Collections Services for Over 65 Years
We have represented many small businesses, professionals, landlords and doctors and dentists helping them collect the money they have earned.
Our work with commercial and residential landlords has helped numerous building owners collect unpaid rent and costs for damages exceeding security deposit amounts, as well as obtaining possession of from defaulting tenants.
If your business is feeling the effect of customers writing bad checks, speak to our attorneys. We devise creative plans to help you get your money – often at no cost to you for legal services.

We Find Creative Ways to Help Creditors Recover Debts
Do you have a client with whom you’ve had difficulty obtaining payment? Has a commercial or residential tenant simply stopped paying rent? We are relentless in helping our clients get the payment they are due.
Discuss your options for collection, whether through wage garnishment or collecting money from a third party who owes your debtor with one of our attorneys.
Find out how Caudle and Caudle can address your collection problems through power of the law. Contact us today at 804.358.4961 and schedule a free initial consultation.
Robert K. Caudle Jr.
Robert K. Caudle III
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